This paper examines the reason why Filippo Lippi chose the rare subject Annunciation of the Death of the Virgin and Arrival of the Apostles for the central predella of his Barbadori Altarpiece, depicted as if these two events occurred simultaneously. Through comparison of this predella to preceding artworks, I underline its iconographical singularities, namely that the angel holds a torch. The predella depicts the moment the angel gives the torch to Mary and she receives it, as Mary is shown standing in the cloister foreseeing the angel‘s visitation. The scene is not accompanied by the Dormition.
Moreover, I focus on the confraternity of Orsanmichele, which had the responsibility of constructing the Barbadori Chapel. I demonstrate that the confraternity’s charity was reflected in the choice of this subject. The rules of the confraternity declare promises of confession, Extreme Unction, and courteous burial to their members, allowing them to accept death peacefully.
Therefore, it seems natural to conclude that Annunciation of the Death shows the calm acceptance of death and Arrival of the Apostles suggests the nature of attendance at one’s deathbed and burial.
Keywords: Annunciation of the Death of the Virgin, Arrival of the Apostles, Filippo Lippi, Barbadori Altarpiece, Confraternity of Orsanmichele