NUMBER 20 (March 2016)Edited by the JSA
The ‘Scientific’ Orientation of Japanese Art History in 1930s Japan OTA Tomoki |
Abstract Text (pdf) 1-14 |
Visualizing National History in Meiji Japan: The Komaba Museum Collection, University of Tokyo IDO Misato |
Abstract Text (pdf) 15-25 |
Building Roman Civilisation: A Reinterpretation of Two Sacrificial Scenes (86, 98-99) on the Column of Trajan SAKATA Michio |
Abstract Text (pdf) 26-37 |
La naissance du tableau en Afrique noire : Kalifala Sidibé et l’« art nègre » YANAGISAWA Fumiaki |
Abstract Text (pdf) 38-49 |
The Representation of Sewing Women in Godey’s Lady’s Book HIRAYOSHI Hiroko |
Abstract Text (pdf) 50-61 |
FSA photography and the Steichen Collections: The Family of Man and The Bitter Years in Luxembourg TAKENAKA Yumi Kim |
Abstract Text (pdf) 62-74 |
To Design Well is a ‘Moral Duty’: Nikolaus Pevsner’s Modern-Medievalist Appeal KONDO Ariyuki |
Abstract Text (pdf) 75-88 |
Did You Really Get a Mushroom?: Players’ Fictional Actions in Videogame Playing MATSUNAGA Shinj |
Abstract Text (pdf) 89-102 |
Die Konstruktionsprinzipien in Schönbergs freier Atonalität unter Berücksichtigung ihrer expressionistischen Momente ASAI Yuta |
Abstract Text (pdf) 103-114 |
Editorial Board
TANOGASHIRA Kazutomo (Osaka University of Arts, Osaka)
NAKAMA Yuko (Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto)
SAKAGAMI Keiko (Waseda University, Tokyo)
HIRAYAMA Keiji (Tokyo Polytechnic University, Tokyo)
Editorial Secretary
SUMIDA Shoko (Ritsumeikan University)
Aesthetics is the annual online journal edited and released
by the Japanese Society for Aesthetics (JSA).
Contribution to this journal is limited to the members of the JSA
until notified as otherwise.
© The Japanese Society for Aesthetics